19/08/2012 6:46AM
Hey Tamafans,
Yesterday was fairly busy but I managed to put new batterys in my Tama-go! (YAY!) So I thought about 'Resetting' and 'Downloading' but I decided to reset my Tama-go and have a bit of fun with a new generation. Now another thing to tell you is that I have fully set up my Tamatalk! But (there is always a 'But' in it) I now also have a TamaCraze account! WOOT! So those people who only have a TamaCraze account can now PM me and Tamatalk members can chat with me too.
Here are the Usernames:
TamaTalk -
TamaCraze -
Now for yesterday's events... (Sorry if I'm overloading you with too much info)
7:28AM - Hatched
7:29AM - Fed her
7:31AM - Park - No one there
7:32AM - Praise
7:40AM - Sick
7:47AM - Attention needed
7:58AM - Played shoot the bug
7:59AM - Paused
6:02PM - Unpaused
6:05PM - Nap
6:15PM - Attention needed
6:20PM - Fed her
7:00PM - Evolved into Belltchi
8:00PM - Bedtime
Keep reading Tamagal's Blog! |
Just so you know I had to keep her on pause for a while. (I was busy in town)
Hope you enjoyed this post!
This is Tamagal signing off.