Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh so slow...

23-2-2013 1:10PM

Hiya Tamafans!

I've been checking my stats over the pass few days and its been looking pretty slow. Maybe cuz I haven't posted in a few days. Fudge. Anyways, I have been super busy over these past few weeks and now Saturday so I decided to give ya a minor update to let ya know I am alive and existing! But tomorrow if I'm super lucky I can record events on my Tama! YAY! I saved the day for once. Maybe not. But I can't wait to get back into blogging! =)

This is Tamagal signing off. =)

P.S. Smiley Time!!!!!! =) =D :) :D (= LOL!!!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Google+ Upgrade?! You're kidding me, right???

16-2-2013 12:42PM

Hi Tamafans!

You may notice my name on my profile at the side of my blog has changed from Tamagal to
Tamagaltchi Tama. This is because I have upgraded my blogger profile to my Google+ profile. Google+ will also allow me to let everyone know on Google+ that I have posted and from there you can click the link to the post and read it! That's pretty awesome! And have you noticed anything different about the blog's design? I have! That's right! I have changed the background to an even COOLER background! Neat huh?

This is Tamagal signing off.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

No Time, Gotta Run!

6-2-13 5:30PM

Hi Tamafans,

I got back safely from being flooded out, YAY! But I wouldn't say "YAY!" just yet... Turns out the day I got home was the day before school started! I didn't get home till 1:30PM that day so I was really tired and had a long few days so I decided to rest because I was too tired to blog. So I didn't get much time to blog since school started. :( But today wasn't as busy so I just got in at the neck of time to blog, YAY! But now its going to be hard to get this worked out considering I have almost no time on my hands to handle it! But maybe on the weekends? Very tricky to get passed...

This is Tamagal signing off.