Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tamagotchi ID L

23/08/2012 1:33PM

Hey Tamafans,


Here in Australia theres been colds spread to people and guess what... I caught it too. So I'm absent from school but you know me... I'm not completely out of action! So I decided to post to you. Because I want to show you something.

The ID L is pretty neat don't ya think? So I have been begging my dad to buy me one off ebay. But its gonna take a little while. But Fingers crossed.

This is Tamagal signing off.


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 1 - Nokotchi (Girl)

19/08/2012 6:46AM

Hey Tamafans,

Yesterday was fairly busy but I managed to put new batterys in my Tama-go! (YAY!) So I thought about 'Resetting' and 'Downloading' but I decided to reset my Tama-go and have a bit of fun with a new generation. Now another thing to tell you is that I have fully set up my Tamatalk! But (there is always a 'But' in it) I now also have a TamaCraze account! WOOT! So those people who only have a TamaCraze account can now PM me and Tamatalk members can chat with me too.

Here are the Usernames:

TamaTalk - TamagalTamatalk 

TamaCraze - TamagalTamaCraze

Now for yesterday's events... (Sorry if I'm overloading you with too much info)

7:28AM - Hatched

7:29AM - Fed her

7:31AM - Park - No one there

7:32AM - Praise

7:40AM - Sick

7:47AM - Attention needed

7:58AM - Played shoot the bug

7:59AM - Paused

6:02PM - Unpaused

6:05PM - Nap

6:15PM - Attention needed

6:20PM - Fed her

7:00PM - Evolved into Belltchi

8:00PM - Bedtime
Keep reading Tamagal's Blog!

Just so you know I had to keep her on pause for a while. (I was busy in town)
Hope you enjoyed this post!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Six words... I want to tell you something!

13/8/2012 5:02PM

Hey Tamafans,

I have two things I want to tell you all.

1. My Tama-go is flat! (Don't worry its not the end of my blog!) (Battery flat just so you know)

2. My Tamatalk is not letting me log on because I forgot my password and the 'Reset password' Email is not coming in. =( But I am currently making a new account on Tamatalk so don't freak out for those who are on Tamatalk! When my new Tamatalk account is fully set up I will post my name on Tamatalk so you can reach me from there.

This is Tamagal signing off.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Awesome!

25/7/12 8:35AM
Hey Tamafans,

I am shocked at the amount of views to this totally awesome blog! LOL! Some of you are viewing my page because of my friend 'The Penguineer'. So thanks to him! LOL! Maybe I could do something so random one day... WHAT?! So random.... Ok I just saw that my V4.5 is sleeping and it's like 8:30AM!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 8 - Monpatchi

Hi Tamafans,

I'm back from my holidays and as you may notice I have not put on our next day which is Day 8.
Now I have gone on my holidays a lot more early than I expected so I have to put it on now.
By the way I have not got the bathtime and bedtime.

8:30AM - woke up

8:45AM - Pooped

9:35AM - Fed him

9:36AM - Park

10:15AM - Pooped

10:27AM - Paused

12:15PM - Unpaused

1:00PM - Attention needed

1:30PM - Pooped

1:58PM - Fed him

4:20PM - Attention needed

4:58PM - Park, no one there

Have you ever imagined having 100 Tamas? I have! But to me its no crisis.

This Tamagal signing off.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It only takes one...

27/6/2012 10:42AM

Hey Tamafans,

I would like to thank many of you who have kept on viewing my blog and loved it as much as I do. I did not think it would be a success in a million when I first put it up. Now to the part I REALLY wanted to tell you. This morning I checked my email to see if there was any new emails for me, and as soon it came up I was shocked when I saw an email that said one person had put two comments on the blog. Here is what she had to say:

"I want you to know, you have a great blog! Please keep posting and don't give up! I want to follow your blog, but I don't know how, unfortunately."

And the second time she said:

"I, unfortunately, have never been so blessed as to obtain Sakuramotchi on the V5. You are really lucky!! Sakuramotchi is my favorite v5 character.
I really hope you keep posting on this blog, because it is really nice and well-designed, and it's one of the only Tamagotchi blogs out there. Keep up the good work!"

So I would like to thank 'Amat Gotchi' for the nice comments and would also like to thank all of my viewers!

You can comment on the blog and have YOUR say in public or just simply just email me at .

Keep on reading and I will keep updating as much as possible.

This is Tamagal signing off.

Be sure to keep on reading the blog!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 recordings from a while ago


Hey Tamafans,

This morning I had seen I wrote 2 recordings in my book and I forgot to post them here on the blog. So prepare yourself Tamafans... In this post you will see not 1 but 2 recordings! You know by the time I have finished this post... I"M GONNA HAVE PAINFUL FINGERS!

This recording is from 14-4-2012

Day 6 Ahirukutchi

8:00AM - Woke up

8:29AM - Fed him

8:36AM - Paused

2:26PM - Unpaused

2:44PM - Played long jumper

3:00PM - Attention needed

3:17PM - Fed him

3:36PM - TamaTown log in

4:15PM - TamaTown log off

4:26PM - Went to shop, got food

5:00PM - Attention needed

5:32PM - Pooped

5:52PM - Fed him

6:30PM - Asked for bath

7:00PM - Attention needed

8:00PM - Bedtime

This recording is from 15-4-2012

Day 7 Ahrukutchi

8:00AM - Woke up

9:10AM - Fed him

9:12AM - Went to park

10:23AM - Attention needed

11:45AM - Pooped

1:00PM - Easter Dance

1:05PM - Fed him

1:23PM - Attention needed

1:25PM - Evolved into Monpatchi

4:04PM - Attention needed

4:23PM - Attention needed

5:36PM - Fed him

7:23PM - Attention needed

7:45PM - Asks for bath

9:00PM - Bedtime

Like I said I did have painful fingers. Well I think it's better to type it than write it!

This Tamagal signing off.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tamagal is back with more tama!

8:11AM  7-5-2012

Hey Tamafans,

Sorry I have not been able to post in a long time. I've got some busy stuff going on at school so I will record events on weekends until next school holidays. This morning when I got on the blog I checked the stats of the blog and I was stunned at the number of views I had while I was gone. Thing is I had never expected that. Now I have noticed on TamaTalk that people are worried that the english are done with Tamagotchi. We do not know yet. I have tried to send an email to a person at Bandi and had no reply yet so fingers crossed she will give an answer. Well my V5 family has grown up into Adults and I had: Kuromametchi, Lovezukintchi and Uhyotchi. And got Kuromametchi to marry Hottitchi. They turned out to be Papakurotchi and Mamapatchi and they had 2 girls and 1 boy. I really can't wait to marry one of them again!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A video? A video of Tamagal?!

15/04/2012  6:00PM

Hey Tamafans,

Today I decided to make it fun for tonights post, so tonight I am bringing you a video.
Here it is...

I just want to clear up something... I recorded this on my iPod. So I hope you liked it and enjoy!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 5 - Kinotchi

14/04/12  3:04PM

Hey Tamafans,

I have not been able to get on yesterday so that means I have to write down ALL of yesterday’s results and to be honest it was pretty busy around 8AM. So it was quite awkward when he pooped twice in 9 minutes. LOL? Anyways we have got some results to go through. Well you read, I type…

8:00AM - Woke up

8:07AM - Fed him

8:09AM - Sick

8:11AM - Pooped

8:20AM - Pooped

8:25AM - Fed him

8:26AM - Took a nap

8:40AM - Pooped

8:47AM - Tamatown log in

9:02AM - Tamatown log off

9:03AM - Pooped

9:05AM - Evolved into Ahirukutchi

9:06AM - Fed him

9:09AM - Paused

4:34PM - Unpaused

6:30PM - Asks for Bath

7:15PM - Attention needed

8:00PM - Bedtime

Feels like I’m a maid of a prince. Man, I don’t know what Tamagotchis get up to these days! Hear more from me next post.

Wanna hear more from Tamagal? Well see her face on youtube!

Here is the link to her channel

New video from her is coming soon and will be posted right here on the blog!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Been away? Well Tamagal is back!

12/04/2012  7:18AM

Hey Tamafans,

As some of you may have noticed that I have not blogged in a few days.
This is due to unexpected travel.
Before I start giving you a bit of an update I would like to thank you for viewing my blog. I have had a lot of veiws from around the world. Anyways, before my travel I got a V5 Tamagotchi! So I will tell you the characters my little V5 Family has been so far.


Mimifuwatchi  Futabatchi  Omututchi


Sakuramotchi  Mattaritchi Ahirukutchi


Chamametchi  Mamekatchi  Bakutchi

As you may notice I have not got my family into ‘Adults’ yet. I wonder what they will be…   Find out more next time!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 4 - Makiko

6/4/2012  9:13AM

Hey Tamafans,

Another great morning to write yesturday's events. I must say Makiko has been a strit MOTHER  yesturday! Yes thats right Makiko has her baby and it's little boy. Anyways, lets check out yesturdays events, take a look!

7:30AM - Woke up with egg

7:40AM - Egg hatched

7:59AM - Got potty-trained

10:30AM - Attention needed

1:00PM - Did that same Easter dance

1:30PM - Attention needed

1:59PM - Went to toilet being potty-trained

3:15PM - Attention needed

3:19PM - Went to shop and bought food

3:21PM - Went back to shop and bought remodel

4:30PM - Attention needed

5:00PM - Did the same Easter dance again

5:03PM - TamaTown log in

5:49PM - TamaTown log off

6:30PM - Asks for bath/shower

8:35PM - Bedtime

I plan to name the baby 'Blue' and I think he will be cute as anything. I wonder what adult character he will be?

This is Tamagal signing off.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 3 - Makiko

5/04/2012  8:08AM

Hi Tamafans,

What a great morning to write up yesturday's events! Yesturday wasn't that busy for Makiko, Kuchipatchi and me. We pretty much have been chillin' ALL day. Anyways here is the information from yesturday.

7:30AM - Wake up

7:38AM - Fed Makiko and Kuchipatchi

7:49AM - TamaTown Log in

9:21AM - TamaTown Log off

12:07PM - Played long jumper

1:00PM - Did the little Easter dance

1:01PM - Fed Makiko and Kuchipatchi

1:31PM - Went to the park

2:51PM - Played shoot the bug

4:45PM - Fed Makiko and Kuchipatchi

5:00PM - Did the little Easter dance

5:02PM - TamaTown log in

6:18PM - TamaTown log off

6:30PM - Asked for bath/shower

7:17PM - Attention needed

7:36PM - Went to park

8:30PM - Bedtime

So what can I say being a mother is hard! Although with being a mother of Tamagotchis is FUN! So yeah I know how much fun it will be getting a V5.5 CELEBRITY TAMAGOTCHI! I wonder if I will ever get Royal Family...

This is Tamagal signing off.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2 - Makiko

3/4/2012  9:12PM

Hey Tamafans,

What a great evening to start blogging down the events that happened today! It was a big day for me and Makiko. I guess we are pretty tired now, but she is asleep the cute little thing! The best part that happened today is she FINALLY got MARRIED! As a mother I'm pretty excited. Anyway here is the information and time of today's events. (Be sure to look out for the Dating place and Marrige times)

8:00AM - Wake up

8:01AM - Fed Makiko

9:00AM - Pooped

10:22AM - Went to the shops and bought some food.

11:00AM - Attention needed

11:12AM - Date Place

11:13AM - Married to Kuchipatchi

11:15AM - Logged on Tamatown

12:01PM - Logged off Tamatown

1:00PM - Did a little cute Easter dance

1:25PM - Fed Makiko and Kuchipatchi

1:30PM - Praised

1:33PM - Went to the park and played with Kuromemetchi

2:25PM - Fed Makiko and Kuchipatchi

6:30PM - Asked to go for a shower/bath

6:51PM - Fed Makiko and Kuchipatchi

8:30PM - Bedtime

Well I always love to see Tamagotchis sleep! They are so cute when they sleep. When I was going to turn off the light for Makiko and Kuchipatchi I just admired how cute they were. Well I better get moving it's bedtime for me as well!

This is Tamagal signing off.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Today I can't record events

2/04/2012 12:35PM

Hey Tama Fans,

I thought I might post this now but I am busy today so I wont be recording events today but I will tomorrow. So very sorry. Anyway, this morning after I finished the late post of yesturday's events I got my mom to say "maybe" I can get a V5.5 familitchi! At the moment I'm pretty stoked about the news but I probly won't get it until next week. =( So yeah thats a bit of a bummer that I can't get it until next week (maybe). So here is a photo of the V5.5 Familitchi.

Keep reading Tamagal's posts and stay tuned for more!

Yeah so I hope that will happen. Crossing my fingers at the moment.
Oh and here's a link to my Youtube channel for anyone who is interested.

This is Tamagal signing off.

Day 1 - Makiko

2/04/2012 7:05 AM

Hi Tamafans,

I'm sorry I did not write up what happened from yesturday, last night. So here is the info on what happened. (But I could not record wake up time)

8:42AM  Attention needed

9:27 to 10:30AM  Tamatown

10:33AM  Took Makiko to the park but no one was there

12:20PM  Went to shop and bought remodel

12:23PM  Pooped

1:16PM  Fed Makiko

2:03PM  Played long jumper

3:01PM  Attached Chamametchi figure

3:03PM Plays with baby ducks (Only on Chamametchi figure)

3:05PM  Uses roller skates

3:07PM  Praised

3:45PM  Attention needed

4:00PM  Pooped

5:30PM  Fed Makiko

9:30PM  Went to bed

So yeah that was yesturday's results and I will try to get on tonight.

This is Tamagal signing off. 

Be sure to keep reading Tamagal's blog!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Intro to Tamago blog

1-04-2012  9:08am

Hi Tama fans,

Welcome to the lastest blog of the care of the humble (its humble, really!) tamgo. Of coarse I will write down all the times of the events that happen. Now I have an adult which is Makiko so I will start from there. Here is a profile of her.

Name: Makiko
Gender: Girl
Age: 5 Tamayears
Weight: 46lb
Generation: 1
Stage: Adult

So this is where I will start and run the blog from there.

This is Tamagal signing off.