Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 recordings from a while ago


Hey Tamafans,

This morning I had seen I wrote 2 recordings in my book and I forgot to post them here on the blog. So prepare yourself Tamafans... In this post you will see not 1 but 2 recordings! You know by the time I have finished this post... I"M GONNA HAVE PAINFUL FINGERS!

This recording is from 14-4-2012

Day 6 Ahirukutchi

8:00AM - Woke up

8:29AM - Fed him

8:36AM - Paused

2:26PM - Unpaused

2:44PM - Played long jumper

3:00PM - Attention needed

3:17PM - Fed him

3:36PM - TamaTown log in

4:15PM - TamaTown log off

4:26PM - Went to shop, got food

5:00PM - Attention needed

5:32PM - Pooped

5:52PM - Fed him

6:30PM - Asked for bath

7:00PM - Attention needed

8:00PM - Bedtime

This recording is from 15-4-2012

Day 7 Ahrukutchi

8:00AM - Woke up

9:10AM - Fed him

9:12AM - Went to park

10:23AM - Attention needed

11:45AM - Pooped

1:00PM - Easter Dance

1:05PM - Fed him

1:23PM - Attention needed

1:25PM - Evolved into Monpatchi

4:04PM - Attention needed

4:23PM - Attention needed

5:36PM - Fed him

7:23PM - Attention needed

7:45PM - Asks for bath

9:00PM - Bedtime

Like I said I did have painful fingers. Well I think it's better to type it than write it!

This Tamagal signing off.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I want you to know, you have a great blog! Please keep posting and don't give up! I want to follow your blog, but I don't know how, unfortunately.
    Amat Gotchi
